Belgium is most likely the only country in the world to possess a statute to honor the “pigeon soldat” or soldier pigeon and his contribution during both Great World wars.
Whether released at 500 m or 100 km from home, even in certain cases over 1,500 km, the messenger pigeon has that fantastic ability to always know its way back.This trait was detected a long time ago, notably by Julius Caesar who, during the invasion of Gaul, used homing pigeons to send messages back to Rome to inform headquarters of his campaign’s progress.
On the other hand the Myth of the pigeon that you sometimes see in movies which is released and asked to take a message somewhere and then return, doesn’t exist. The pigeon is only able of returning home. This is why, in order to send a message to several places, pigeons raised at each destination have to be taken out.
Statue honoring the War Pigeons
Another perspective
The Monument au Pigeon Soldat in it’s entirety