A beautiful mural representing Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg has appeared on a building at Cité du Sureau 20, just a short walk away from the popular near the Marché aux Poissons (Fish Market) district in Brussels. Apparently, the owner of the house asked a friend of his, artist Henk De Ruddere aka ENCQ to do the mural on his facade.
The artist, Henk De Ruddere gladly took up the project as he a firm supporter of Greta’s cause and the international youth movement to fight climate change.
“The way they organize is admirable. There is no violence, demolition or police. At their age I was only concerned with my love I am proud, but at the same time ashamed. I am a grandfather myself and my grandchildren also need a planet on which to live. If I can contribute, I will. â€
Henk De Ruddere aka ENCQ

My work is a statement, the facade of the building is dark and dirty from years of exposure to exhaust fumes. The contrast with the long braids and Greta’s piercing gaze couldn’t be greater.”
Encq went on to say about his mural