Home Churches Sainte-Catherine


by Vincent

Eglise Sainte-Catherine

All that remains of the 14C-15C church, which was extended in 1629, is the Baroque-style tower (n° 45).

Baroque-style tower of Saint-Catherine Church

Close up of the Baroque-style tower of Sainte-Catherine Church

The church on the square today was designed by Joseph Poelaert and was built from 1854 to 1859 in a combination of architectural styles.
The main inspiration was drawn from the Eglise St-Eustache (Church of St Eustache) in Paris.The chevet is indicative of the fairly whimsical design of the architect. Inside, there is a picture by De Crayer entitled Sainte-Catherine reçue au ciel.The typical Flemish pulpit may have come from the cathedral church in Mechelen. The two tombs were carved by Gilles-Lambert Godecharle.

The church from the outside:

The church on the square

Close up of the church on the square

View of the church from on its side from the Marché-au-poisson

View of the church from the tip of the Sainte-Catherine square

View of the church from one of the many cafés & restaurants of the Sainte-Catherine square

View of the church and its tower

View of the inside:

View from inside church as you enter

The nave

Orthodox celebrations of the Byzantine rite liturgy

Sainte-Catherine depicted artwork

Jesus depicted artwork


Stéphane Wail June 3, 2007 - 2:11 pm

What? Armenian celebration? You musn't have been to that many Armenian celebrations, my dear! This is definitely a Byzantine-rite liturgy, not an Armenian one.

Thanks for correcting.

admin July 17, 2007 - 2:11 pm

Thank you Stéphane for correcting me.

I'm back from a month of vacation in North America so I couldn't correct this any sooner and noticed the comment just now.


paul July 19, 2007 - 3:28 pm

They seem to be Romanian orthodox Christians, there. To check with the pope, I only know it from trustful sources but did not verify on the spot.



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