Home Activism Climate Coalition March

Climate Coalition March

by Vincent

Around 30 000 people gathered this Sunday afternoon in Brussels for a protest march under the umbrella of the Climate Coalition which represents 96 organizations from all over the country.

The stood as one voice to demand that the climate issue be placed at the top of the political EU agenda ahead of the 27th International Climate Conference taking place next month in Egypt from November 6 to 18.

At the lead, the Amazonian chefs made the trip for the occasion.

Indigenous Brazilian delegation

Greenpeace under the “People and planet before profit” banner

“No intelligent species would destroy their own environment”
Cimate Coallition March

BOS+ is an organization that is committed to forest conservation, better forest and more forest in the world.

Banner in French reading: ” No to vegetables that travel more than us”
Non aux légume qui voyage plus que nous

Gauche Anticapitaliste (Anticapitalist Left) under the banner: “The Planet is worth more than their profits”

Gauche Anticapitaliste

Extinction Rebellion Animal under the banner “End the dairy industry”

Extinction Rebellion Animal

Causes such as Marijuana legislation were also represented

4/20 NOW!

The OXFAM banner read: “Climate Change. Hunger. Poverty. It’s all the same fight”

The OXFAM banner read: "Climate Change. Hunger. Poverty. It's all the same fight"

Another banner read: “You’ll die of old age, I’ll die of climate change”

Climate Coalition March | 23 Octobre 2022

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