The prestigious Maison de la Bellone or “la maison de derrière” as they used call it in Brussels (translated into the “house at the back”) cannot be seen from the street. It can be found in a inner courtyard located at 46 rue de Flandre where it’s protected from the elements under a glass roofing. The facade of this beautiful patrician residence dates from the end of the 17th Century and is thought to have been the work of architect-sculptor Jean Cosyn. In the center above the arch over the front door is a statue of Bellona, the goddess of war. In the background, a trophy commemorates the Austrian victory over the Turks at Zenta in 1697. The window ledges are decorated with four medallions representing Roman emperors. The Maison du Spectacle now houses an information and documentation center about theater, and a library devoted to dramatic arts.
House of Bellona
In 1995 the glass roof was added for protection by architect Olivier Noterman
A statue of Bellona the goddess of war sits above the main door